This must have beem the site of the roman settlement called sellium,abaut which many memorials have beem found.It seems that after being destroyed during the invasions of Barbarians ,it revived for a short time under the name of Nabancia,with the foundation of two convents which became celebrated about the year 653 by the death of the virgin martyr Saint Iria,which tragic event was the cause of the settlement being again destroyed,but to still greater extent,58 years after ,by the razzias of tarik and his successors.
After the christian reconquest its ruins were made use of by the knigtht Templar Gualdim Paes,part of them in the constructiom of his inexpugnable fortress on the opposite mount,while with the rest he rebuilt from its foundations the church of the old convent of Saint Mary of Selho.But if the old church was in the Romanesque style ,very common in the 6ªcentury,the new one was built in the early Gothic.This was in the second half of the 12ªcentury,and Gualdim Paes was a learned man and had travelle greatly.He had besides that built a chapel in his fortress in the Gothico-Byzantine style.

The new Church acquired the honour of being the Pantheon of the grand Masters of the Temple,and from being the mother church of the settlement,it came to be also that of the churches which its sucessor ,the Order of Christ,built in Europe,Asia,africa,america and Ociania.

Some yards to the west rises a square tower,which ,according to the tradition for the workmen who constructed this church,against the attacks sometimes made on them by Moors from the south.
13 comentários:
A pedido de alguns amigos imigrados...
Abraços e boa sorte nas vossas cruzadas por outras terras!
Uma prenda para os nossos emigrantes,pois muitos dos seus filhos já não falam Português.
Esperamos que este post também ajude muitos turistas a saber um pouco mais sobre a nossa casa Mãe .
This must have been the site of the Roman settlement called sellium,about which many memorials have been found.It seems that after being destroyed during the invasions of Barbarians,it revived for a short time under the name of Nabancia,with the foundation of two convents which became celebrated about the year 653 by the death of the virgin martyr Saint Iria, which tragic event was the cause of the settlement being again destroyed,but to still greater extent,58 years after,b y the "razzias" (raids) of Tarik and his successors.
After the Christian reconquest its ruins were made use of by the knight Templar Gualdim Paes,part of them in the construction of his inexpugnable fortress on the opposite mount,while with the rest he rebuilt from its foundations the church of the old Convent of Saint Mary of Selio. But if the old church was in the Romanesque style ,very common in the 6ªcentury,the new one was built in the early Gothic.This was in the second half of the 12ªcentury,and Gualdim Paes was a learned man and had travelled greatly.He had besides that built a chapel in his fortress in the Gothic-Byzantine style.
The new Church acquired the honour of being the Pantheon of the grand Masters of the Temple,and from being the mother church of the settlement,it came to be also that of the churches which its successor ,the Order of Christ,built in Europe,Asia,Africa, America and Oceania.
Some yards to the west rises a square tower, which, according to the tradition, was sometimes used by workmen who constructed this church, due to attacks made on them by Moors from the south.
Fica a correcção das palavras, mas não da semântica.
Conselho: Mudem para o Firefox que tem os dicionários de todas as línguas, como extensão. É óptimo, e permite-nos fazer boa figura até com os checos ou dinamarqueses !!
Porque é que acham que eu raramente dou erros ??
Firefox for Ever - iExplorer sucks
A intenção deste post foi boa,o texto se não estou errado foi retirado do livro "Monumentos de Portugal(Tomar)"edição de 1929.
Esta escrita num Ingles primitivo.
A culpa não é vossa,mas como muita gente não tem posses para comprar esse livro desconhece essa texto.
Não se deixem ir abaixo por bocas parvas,que em vez de darem algo de novo ao blog,mais não querem que o destruir.
Exacto. O texto é o mesmo de 1929. Confirmado. Parabens pela intenção.
Plagio e nem o disseram. Foram apanhados.
Acho curioso numa foto parece que há plantação agrícola ao pé da igreja de Santa Maria dos Olivais, e hoje andam a escavar ossadas humanas.
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